Project Details:
The world I built has three different tribes who all wear masks and a central hub called the world tree where the tribes trade etc.
The final outcome will be a 2 minute animation trailer/proof of concept explaining the world and building it by introducing the tribes/groups and showing what they look like and their ideology briefly. The world tree. the main characters home and who they are and then explain how the world tree is sick and a call to action of how we need to heal the world tree.
Final Thoughts:
As I've worked and got the audio from my brother my final outcome changed. it turned into a trailer more than a short story and that was both for time reasons and because of the way he read my script. He was a natural with inflections with no practice at age 12 I was pumped and impressed to say the least it was a fun thing for us to share since he lives in Colorado and due to covid (like so many) we haven't gotten to see each other in a long time. I'm happy with how it turned out but I'm most happy with the foundation it's given me to build on this story even if it's just something my little brother and I do for fun. I learned a lot about using what you can given a certain amount of time and a severe workload (well it feels severe at least). Time management was key and even then the roadblocks created by my mind for working on animation and a narrative on an iPad using software I hadn't had the chance to use in the past was kinda crazy. it reminded me of opening adobe for the first time in some ways if that makes sense. While "Teak" is a rough cut with more stills and less animation than I would have liked in a perfect world I feel that I've learned a lot both about digital art and editing.
Documentation & Concept Art